Tag: OSX

SSH keys & OSX

Put your private & public key on folder ~/.ssh All private keys must have 600 rights (-rw——-), or they will be ignored. List your currently load keys: ssh-add -l Load your keys on ssh-agent and store them on OSX Keychain

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I.Use[Markdown] to write formatted plain text … and TheJournalist debugging

TL;DR Using markdown to write plain text … such a brilliant idea! The main advantage of markdown is powerful text formatting while being free of application container lock-in : portability! So when you choose an editor for writing in markdown,

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Fusion and keyboard layouts for Windows/Linux/OSX guest VM

Anyone using VMs hosted by a Mac have struggled one day or another with the keyboard layout of the guest VMs. Any special character you have to deal with (enter our beloved : ‘@’, ‘#’, ‘\’, ‘|’) could be the challenge of the

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