Category: CLI

On RSA keys for OCI API access🔑

Just don’t use the same RSA key over and over, between projects, tenants, users … In any form : api AuthN keys or ssh keys. Please. Just don’t. That being said, security principals needs to be easy to implement, with

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Working with Comware OS (HPE FlexFabric Switching) – Basics

TL;DR I recently got the opportunity to get my hands on a HPE 5700. This switch come from H3C assets and run the Comware OS. It is a bit disturbing to work with it when you are used to Cisco’s

Tagged with: , , , , : Configure a GbE interface on Nexus 5xx/55xx/56xx

When you insert a GLC-T module without any previous configuration, you are likely to get the error ” SFP Validation Failed”, even if using a compatible module. This is because not all ports are capable to “downgrade” their functional speed

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SSH keys & OSX

Put your private & public key on folder ~/.ssh All private keys must have 600 rights (-rw——-), or they will be ignored. List your currently load keys: ssh-add -l Load your keys on ssh-agent and store them on OSX Keychain

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CLI memo #1 : creating a Vlan with Brocade NOS

Here is a quick memo of some CLI commands I use. Just a quick reminder for the few commands I may need on my daily operations. Today’s task is just creating a vlan on a Brocade network switchs, running NOS

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