I recently got the opportunity to get my hands on a HPE 5700. This switch come from H3C assets and run the Comware OS.
It is a bit disturbing to work with it when you are used to Cisco’s cli. This post is about basics on the first setup and configuring a HPE Switch running Comware OS 7.
Unfortunately, having only one switch, I am not able to test advanced features like IRF1.
HPE 5700 48G physical configuration
The 5700 48G (model JG894A) is a datacenter switch composed of the following :
• On the front panel :
◦ 48 x fixed 1GbE base-T ports,
◦ 4 x 10GbE SFP+ ports,
◦ 2 x 40GbE QSFP+ ports.
• On the back :
◦ 1 x 1GbE base-T port, for OOBM (Out of Band Management) purpose,
◦ 1 x console port.
Here is a link to the quickspec of the HP5700
Switching between view/config mode and saving the config
When you first log in, you are in a display mode, which means you can only display the current configuration but take no configuration action (The command prompt is a superior sign).
Typing the command « system-view » take you to the configuration mode and the command prompt become a hash.
Saving the running config is done via the « save » command. You can save the running config to startup config with the following command :
hpswitch# save force
The « force » parameter will avoid you confirmation & file naming prompts.
Configuring remote out of band management
This part is composed of five sub-tasks :
1. configure the oobm interface IP,
2. define the default gateway,
3. create a local user with admin rights,
4. activate a remote protocol (preferably ssh),
5. configure the vty (Virtual Teletype).
1. Configure management interface’s IP
After entering system-view mode, you select the management interface then set IP address and network mask.
interface M-GigabitEthernet0/0/0
ip address 24
2. Configure default route on the management interface
ip route-static 0 M-GigabitEthernet 0/0/0 permanent
3. Create a local user, grant “network-admin” rights and SSH connection
local-user admin
password simple <PASSWORD>
service-type ssh
authorization-attribute user-role network-admin
4. Configure SSH
First enable SSH service :
ssh server enable
Then generate crypto keys :
Public-key local create rss
5. Configure first 15 vty with SSH access
line vty 0 15
authentication-mode scheme
protocol inbound ssh
Some useful commands
Configure an uplink in trunk mode and allow all VLANs
Interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/48
port link-type trunk
port trunk permit vlan all
Create an SVI for a vlan
interface Vlan-interface <vlan-id>
ip address 24
Split 40GbE interfaces into 4 x 10GbE
The 40GbE interfaces can be split into 4 x 10GbE interfaces. You will need a break-out cable and the switch will have to reload.
Select a 40GbE interface in system-view mode and enter this command :
using tengige
You can see the 10GbE interfaces after the switch have rebooted. The break-out interfaces numbers are appended after a colon – Think sub-interface.
[HPE-5700]display interface brief
XGE1/0/53:1 UP 10G(a) F(a) A 1
XGE1/0/53:2 UP 10G(a) F(a) A 1
XGE1/0/53:3 UP 10G(a) F(a) A 1
XGE1/0/53:4 UP 10G(a) F(a) A 1
XGE1/0/54:1 UP 10G(a) F(a) A 1
XGE1/0/54:2 UP 10G(a) F(a) A 1
XGE1/0/54:3 UP 10G(a) F(a) A 1
XGE1/0/54:4 UP 10G(a) F(a) A 1
Configure a native vlan on a trunk port
Native vlan is possible when the port is operating in hybrid mode (you will have to first put the port on access mode, then activate hybrid mode).
[HPE-5700-Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/53:1]port link-type hybrid
Please set the link type of the port to access first.
[HPE-5700-Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/53:1]port link-type access
[HPE-5700-Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/53:1]port link-type hybrid
Set native vlan
[HPE-5700-Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/53:1]port hybrid vlan 500 untagged
Add a vlan to a trunk port
[HPE-5700-Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/53:1]port hybrid vlan 502 tagged
summary commands for a trunk port with native vlan
port link-type access
port link-type hybrid
port hybrid vlan 500 untagged
port hybrid vlan 501 tagged
port hybrid vlan 502 tagged
Display running config of an object
Here a sample to display running config for all 10GbE interfaces. You can use the same “display current-config” for all objets.
hpswitch# display current-configuration interface Ten-GigabitEthernet
- IRF : Intelligent Resilient Framework, HPE mLAG technology (equivalent to Cisco’s vPC). ↩
Hi Çetin, Great post. I’m dealing with some concerns related to 5000 series switches. The question is that I have some of them just doing L2 work, and now I want them to start routing and running ACL’s and so. I’ve defined several VLANs with assigned IP addresses, and one of them is for management only, but I don’t want the switches to route to management VLAN, this work will be done by firewalls. How can I do it? I’ve thought in M-GE0/0/0. If I assign an IP to this iface, will the switch route between it and the other subnets? if I cable this interfacte to a physical port in the mgmt vlan will this cause a loop?