Year: 2013

CLI memo #1 : creating a Vlan with Brocade NOS

Here is a quick memo of some CLI commands I use. Just a quick reminder for the few commands I may need on my daily operations. Today’s task is just creating a vlan on a Brocade network switchs, running NOS

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Links collection #1

Here is a collection of some interesting articles & papers I stumbled upon last week. This list is mainly for my own record and allow me to not keep a web browser with more than 20 tabs opened over one

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vCD, Redhat, and the network : common pitfalls

This post could have been named “the good, the bad and the ugly”, you are free to choose which one you map with : vCD, Red Hat and the network … 😀 The purpose here, is to sum up common

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Fusion and keyboard layouts for Windows/Linux/OSX guest VM

Anyone using VMs hosted by a Mac have struggled one day or another with the keyboard layout of the guest VMs. Any special character you have to deal with (enter our beloved : ‘@’, ‘#’, ‘\’, ‘|’) could be the challenge of the

Tagged with: ,, reboot … as vKraL

Hello, This is the first post on my personal blog, at least in his new formula. First things first, those of you who was following me before (a very tiny circle of close friends) noticed I’m publishing in English :
